Yan's Beauty 欣培美容
Yan's Beauty 本著「力臻完美」宗旨,力求做到高品質服務,為客戶提供最適合的美容養生療程。
Yan 簡歷
- School of Community Services, Health and Languages - Central Institute of Technology (Government of Western Australia)
- Provide training through instruction and demonstration of work skills (National Competencies of the Cert IV in Training Accessment)
- City & Guilds - Level 4
- ITEC - Level 4 (Diploma in Laser & Intense Pulsed Light Treatments)
- Confederation of International Beauty Theray and Cosmetologhy - Diploma of Asthetic Treatments
- Farida Academy - Nail Art Workshop
- Institution of The Gain Art Make-Up Association (Korea)
- Diploma of M.T.S. Art Make-up Course
- HKIPTA - Corporate Members